The Spider

spider, spider web, network

Evil has a source and that source is Satan… and his demonic forces. It’s fruitless to try to explain the existence of any controversy or conspiracy without first acknowledging this fact. Just like a spider sits at the center of web, Satan sits at the center of a vast and complex interconnected web of evil as its master mind. Satan’s web consists of countless willing and deceived cohorts who are involved in countless conspiracies to trap the unsuspecting. His ultimate goal is to destroy all of humanity–God’s creations. Unless you view the world through this lens, nothing makes sense.

But once you open your mind to this, then acknowledging the existence of all manner of evil realities becomes possible. Of course there are many good things in the world. But good cannot exist without evil. Everything has its opposite. If there is no end to the good things that can can be imagined by those who are good, then there is no end to the evil things that can be imagined by those who are evil.

We presently live in a world ruled by evil in order to have first hand experience of opposition in all things and the opportunity to choose between good and evil. The war between good and evil has always existed and always will. The war for us in this realm is now reaching its climax. If we endure to the end and remain faithful, evil will be cast out and this world will once again become God’s kingdom and our eternal home. The war between good and evil will go on in other realms and we will do our part to assist those engaged in it just as those in the heavenlies assist us now. But we will never again have to live in the midst of evil.

But we can’t sit on the sidelines now or in the future. We can’t claim ignorance as an excuse. Anyone who fails to heed the warnings of others or of the signs and evidences around them will pay the penalty. If you don’t take shelter from the storm it will overtake you.

That’s why God says, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge” (Hos 4:6). Those who are not God’s people are also destroyed, but they for lack of obedience. Either way you are without excuse. You choose to obey or not to obey. You choose to be informed or not to be informed. You will be rewarded for your good deeds, but you will still suffer the consequence of the storm if you don’t prepare for it. If you don’t know the enemy’s plans, you can’t defend yourself. God will only protect you after and to the extent you’ve done your part.

The biggest obstacle to awareness of uncomfortable truths and realities is the inability to imagine the mere possibility of evil. If someone doesn’t want to believe something, no amount of evidence will convince them otherwise. Reinforced by mainstream thinking and influence, the most extraordinary lies can be perpetuated indefinitely.

This is how all conspiracies are concealed and remain so. The masses only want to be comfortable and secure in their ignorance. They prefer to remain in their idealistic make believe worlds of self imposed isolation from harsh realities. Anyone who challenges this world view is a threat that must be dealt with. Challengers will be called crazy, nutty, and naive, and they will be actively ignored.

Why research something or give respect to truth seekers if your mind tells you it cannot be. The inability to imagine how something could be possible renders one incapable of seeing obvious facts. Somehow the mandate to be in the world but not of the world has morphed into one of remaining completely blind to and ignorant of the world.

If you hear no evil, see no evil, and speak no evil, then it doesn’t exist. Not being of the world does not mean being ignorant of it. While in the world we must be aware of it and take necessary precautions against attack by evil forces as well as participate in efforts to fight it.

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