The Long Tale Made Short

apocalypse, horses, riders

End Times Synopsis 

In the beginning…

Lucifer was given dominion over the earth.
He’s been executing a complex long term plan now approaching climax.
It’s all about manipulating and ultimately destroying humanity.
Everything in this world is orchestrated.
All governments have been infiltrated, especially the United States.
America has become Babylon the Great, the whore of all nations.
All the rich, elite, and powerful are under Satan’s control including entertainers.
One of Satan’s many techniques is the problem/reaction/solution cycle.
Create the problem, control the reaction, and provide the solution.
Out of chaos comes order.
Create division through controlled opposition.
United we stand divided we fall.
There must be two opposing sides sides and both must be controlled.

At first there are only subtle differences.
People are confused but given a choice they gravitate to one or the other.
One side prefers freedom of choice with its risks and responsibilities.
The other side prefers to be taken care of without personal responsibility.
People naturally divide along these lines.
One side seemingly represents Christ’s plan and the other Satan’s plan.
But Satan controls both sides under the principle of controlled opposition.

The true body of Christ is made up of the humble and lowly.
Many conservatives only pretend to be Christian.
Some in the False body are deceived, while others are willingly in the know.
But many in the true body are distracted and asleep.

The enemy first brought in Obama as the liberal NWO globalist.
Then came Trump as the conservative MAGA nationalist.
Both are controlled by Satan and both are playing willing roles.
The extreme back to back contrast successfully divided the American people.
The rest of the world followed the lead of America.
All are now focused on globalism vs nationalism.

Conservative Christian Americans have fallen for this deception.
They eagerly look to Trump to Make America Great Again, not God.

Trumps role was to lead us willingly into this trap.
The roll out of the coronavirus was the key to springing the trap shut.
“Out of the chaos and fear” (from the plandemic) comes ultimate control.
In a rapid series of moves, Trump has enacted measures never before possible.
People in lockdowns and distracted by fear have allowed this to happen.
Under this cover, long formulated plans have been put in place.
5-G is being deployed and military equipment and personnel are being positioned.

The final phase of the problem-reaction-solution cycle is now ready to be deployed.
The virus problem led to the fear reaction that welcomes the vaccine solution.
Forced vaccination is the next and key planned step.
These vaccines will cause worse disease and facilitate ultimate control.

Many things are now happening in parallel to bring about the New World Order.
The NWO will rapidly evolve into the final beast system.

According to many prophetic voices:

Trumps role is nearly complete and he will soon be taken out and replaced.
He will likely win the election to keep people trusting and distracted a bit longer.
The finishing touches will be put into place.

Shortly after being re-elected, he will be taken out through an “event”.

In the midst of this chaos, Obama will be welcomed back.
Not as President of the United States, but as its savior.
The whole world driven to despair will gladly accept a global leader.
Obama will be fully indwelled by Satan and become the antichrist.
Pope Francis, the False Prophet, will support him as the world religion leader–Chrislam.
Weakened by sickness, war, and natural disasters, both will be accepted.

The Great Deception

Then comes the prophesied Great Deception.

The fallen angels will return purporting to be our ancient alien creators.
They will arrive in anti-gravity ships with other miraculous advanced technology.

They will say they are returning to help us ascend.
BHO (the AC) will introduce them as our “new friends”.
They will  help cleanup nuclear contamination from our recent wars.
They will offer enhanced lives through DNA altering implants (mark of the beast).
They will demonstrate supernatural abilities.
Mythology as in “the days of Noah” will come back to life.

Their Directed Energy weapons have been covertly used for many years:
They took down the buildings on 9/11.
They have caused selective fires in places like California.
They will be used in the “fiery event” to take down Trump in his New York Tower.

There is nothing new under the sun. God is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

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