Terrible Truths

eye, illuminati, iris

Why people are in Denial of the beginning judgments and need to wake up.

In today’s world with our busy lives and limited time we tend to draw conclusions and form opinions based on minimal actual evidence because it takes too much effort to investigate and because we want to trust what seems to be consensus opinion. After all if something wasn’t true, how could so many other people believe it?

Plus, many of us simply want to avoid anything controversial. These attitudes prevent most people from pursuing a greater awareness and discovery of the truth. And having established opinions albeit on a weak foundation, people can be surprisingly closed to further enlightenment. Perhaps also out of pride people vigorously defend their positions, not based on facts but on their right to believe what they want to believe and what they perceive to be common sense.

Uncomfortable Truths
Unfortunately there are many uncomfortable truths that people are naturally disinclined to face even when confronted with evidence. It’s a built-in bias. It’s not logically defensible but rather almost entirely emotional. Sometimes this bias is justified as mere optimism. We don’t want to even consider that something might be less positive than what we hope it is. We naturally judge other things and people based on our own sense of morality. Good people find it hard to believe anyone else could be less moral than themselves. They are the most naïve. It’s cognitively harder for moral people to wake up to a more realistic awareness of evil that exists in the world. They not only ignore what they see, they’ll even attack anyone who tries to enlighten them. They accuse the messengers of being focused on negativity or of being conspiracy-theory-nuts.

Conspiracy Theory
In fact, “conspiracy theory” and “conspiracy theorist” are derogatory terms coined only in recent times, like “fake news”, by those actively involved in conspiracies in order to further hide their activities.

By labeling and belittling those who might discover their true intents or expose their evil deeds, they discourage others from even listening to those attempting to expose their conspiracies. People don’t even want to admit there might be something to conspiracies. They fear the lunatic label.

True conspirators further hide their agendas by spreading false and ridiculous claims about their own conspiracies to make them seem like false theories and to make those already fearful of being labeled a conspiracy theorist even less willing to investigate any real evidence or claims.

Smoke and Fire
Conspiracies by definition are those things that are done in secret to subvert someone or something. So any suspected conspiracy, just like any suspected crime, has to be carefully and not just casually investigated in order to determine the truth. Also, it’s important to remember the adage “where there’s smoke, there’s fire.” And since great efforts will have obviously been made to hide the smoke or evidence of their conspiracy, there’s all the more reason to suspect a fire when smoke is reported by many witnesses who are under intense pressure not to.

It’s also hard for many people to conceive that a conspiracy can be widespread geographically or involve many groups and individuals or operate over lengthy time periods exceeding any one person’s lifetime. What could be behind such motives and how could there be such a coordinated effort without insiders coming forward and exposing the conspiracy?

Elephant in the Room
The answer to many of these objections that seem to defy common sense is only arrived at by acknowledging the elephant in the room. Evil has a source and that source is demonic. Despite the fact that most people believe in the devil or some other dark force or entity, they are uncomfortable admitting this out loud or referencing Satan as the master mind behind all conspiracies.

But Satan and his demonic legions are in fact behind all evil in the world. And their existence and role alone explains not only the many conspiracies, but how and why that they span millennia in time and target global populations. The question then becomes not which conspiracies are true so much as what other conspiracies don’t we know about?

This reluctance to speak of the true source of evil has made it awkward to name or label those satanically controlled groups involved in conspiracies. And since by definition we often don’t know who they really are, they are often mysteriously referred to simply as “they” or “them”.

But there are specific groups and organizations known by many names. Like the Illuminati, the deep state, the cabal, the bankers, the elite, the Bilderbergs, the Knights Templar, the Masons, and other secret societies. The list goes and on and on. Sometimes this proliferation of names and uncertainty over which ones to accuse adds to the mystery and thereby creates further skepticism. If there are so many suspects and accusations, maybe it is just a conspiracy theory conceived by the paranoid.

The Enemy
But again, the question should not be which of these are real, but how many others don’t we know about? Perhaps the best generic and all encompassing term for conspirators is simply “the enemy”. This at least implies the inclusiveness of Satan and his demonic army and his role as the master mind. Besides his demonic spirit ranks, Satan has additional legions of mortals he has conscripted either voluntarily by contract or involuntarily through deception.

Whistle Blowers
It should also be clear that conspirators take whatever measures are necessary to prevent exposure by informants or whistle blowers either through the threat or act of severe punishment and discrediting. They also go to great lengths to control the media from reporting either the evidences of their conspiracy or the accusations of informants.

Information Suppression
In modern times we have unprecedented access to information, but efforts have been made over time by “the enemy” to control virtually all forms of information. So it takes particular effort to get at the true facts. If you consider an organization with virtually unlimited resources in time, money and man power and further enabled with supernatural powers, that would be Satan and company.

If you truly accept this as reality, the question is not what they can do, but what can’t they do, and not what they’ve done but what haven’t they done. God is ultimately in control and imposes some limits on them, but He allows Satan to operate in this world to test our true natures. We must question and suspect everything.

History Lessons
History should be the great teacher and exposer of Satan’s tactics, but history has also been co-opted, suppressed, controlled, revised, and rewritten. And even that which is still accessible is often not widely acknowledged or discussed. For example, consider these excerpts from speeches by former Presidents of the United States who, unlike more recent leaders, were actually well regarded:

John F Kennedy
“…we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence — on infiltration instead of invasion — on subversion instead of elections — on intimidation instead of free choice — on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day.

“It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly-knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations. Its preparations are concealed not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed”.

Kennedy was assassinated shortly after this.

Dwight D Eisenhower
Former President and five star General head of our military said:
“In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.”

Eisenhower referred to the “military and industrial complex” as an entity above and apart from the control of the government that he held the highest office for and should have had authority over, because he knew that it had been infiltrated and taken over by an unnamed “enemy”. This was evident when he warned of it in back in 1961, and it has only dramatically worsened since then.

Predictive Programming
Pandemics like Ebola, the T virus, and many others as depicted in WWZ, Contagion, I Am Legend, Resident Evil, Umbrella Corp, etc., are examples of things that have long been planned by the enemy.

While the enemy is allowed to inflict many things on us to accomplish God’s purposes, one requirement imposed by God on Satan’s dark forces is that they must tell us in advance what their plans are. In this God wants us to be warned. But they use it as means of mental conditioning to make us more accepting of what they do. Satan thus attempts to hide in plain site that which he plans to do. This is the predictive programming we have so often been subjected to.

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