Re-Awakening of Scientific Understanding

Over the last two hundred years there was an awakening followed by an accelerated understanding of fundamental sciences resulting in the industrial revolution and ever more advanced developments in technology. However, as technology has increased, the powers that be (controlled by Satan) stepped in to have exclusive control and access to the power of technology. Thus began the suppression and altering of mainstream understanding of the underlying sciences. So, despite continued advancements in technology, a correct understanding of scientific principles has actually decreased over the last century.

However, the expanding gap between true and altered scientific understanding finally reached a point where it was hard not to notice it. There were only a few people at first, but now more and more people are awakening.

But those who are finally awake still face an uphill battle to convince the mainstream of lost truths. It’s actually surprisingly hard to unlearn incorrect principles. People naturally cling to what they were taught and resist the idea that what they learned in good faith from respected teachers and institutions could be wrong, especially in a world that is now so technologically advanced.

For example, almost all of cosmology is wrong and there are major flaws in physics and other key sciences. Electricity and magnetism or electromagnetism is actually the only fundamental force in the universe. All other observed forces are manifestations of it. What we see as empty space is actually full of energy. A hundred years ago this was called the ether and was accepted as fact.

The stars are all formed and powered by electrical currents and magnetic fields. The smallest atomic structures up to the largest galactic structures are manifestations of electromagnetic fields. Our sun, it’s planets, and the stars in all galaxies are part of a vast electric circuit.

Although mainstream physics admits it does not yet understand gravity, it’s standard model theory posits 4 fundamental forces; electromagnetism, the strong and weak nuclear forces, and the yet to be defined force of gravity. It has not been able to formulate a theory that unifies all the forces because there is only one force, electromagnetism, and the others are manifestations of it.

Planets and Stars are not formed by gravitational accretion, but through the forces of electrical currents and magnetic fields. Stars are not gas bodies internally powered by atomic fusion reactions, but solid bodies powered externally by electric currents in a vast interconnected electric circuit. Space is an etheric medium full of energy that fills the the universe and powers the electric circuits in it. The smallest unit of electromagnetism exists at the Planck scale (many times smaller than even the parts of an atom) and they geometrically combine together in fractal like patterns that scale upward into atoms and planets and galaxies and universes.

Satan has unlocked some of these secrets to tap into and use these energy sources for his purposes and God has allowed them to be hidden from us since we have not been ready to use them responsibly. But as we reach the climax of our current existence, the hidden things are being revealed to help us defeat the enemy and ascend to higher realms. The great awakening and restoration of lost truths is underway. You can be part of it sooner than later. It’s your choice, but it requires more effort in turning away from the world and focusing more strongly on God.