Propaganda in America

propaganda, revolution, people

Can Americans be fooled like prewar Germans were by Hitler? If the enemy has control over what the people hear on the news and over politicians from whichever party the people trust, anything is possible.

Does the enemy have that kind of control? With Satan’s vast resources do you think he is content in capturing only the low hanging fruit in the less influential and less economically powerful countries and nations. It’s pretty easy to corrupt the leaders in many of them. But a smart enemy would focus his best resources on the most valuable targets who are typically also the strongest and the most threatening to him.

If you don’t think that is exactly what he has done, then you need to wake up. Put yourself in the place of the enemy. What would you do? Who would you target? How would you attack. Know your enemy. It’s called the art of war.

If you think you’re safe because of where you live, or the church you belong to, or how prestigious the University was you attended, or how respected your local leaders are—just know the more any of these seem invulnerable, the more heavily they have been targeted. There will be pockets within all of them that have been successfully compromised and corrupted. You can’t blindly trust anyone or any group or any institution. There is a balance of good and evil in the world. Where there is much good there is also great evil.

You don’t have to automatically suspect everyone, but you should have your eyes open to all possibilities and make sure your primary allegiance is to God. He is the only one you can have ultimate faith, trust, and confidence in. In troublesome times you must question everything and lean on Him to help you discern the truth of all things.

The enemy operates through:
Controlled Opposition.
Exploitation of Children.
Control of media and entertainment.
Compartmentalization of information.
Control of Science and Technology.
Money is the primary tool and resource of the enemy.

Satan doesn’t play fair. He doesn’t even care about those who are most loyal to him. He will use and exploit anyone and reward them as necessary as long as they are useful to him. But he will ultimately abandon them as he intends to destroy everyone.

Those he can’t morally corrupt he attacks physically through wars and strife and by ruining health through the spreading and spraying of chemicals in our air, soil and water, and through genetic modification of plants and animals, and by harmful additives to foods, drinks, soaps, lotions, medicines, and many other things. Out of all these things, the top thing Satan has always used against us is infectious agents and pathogens. 

The corona viruse is just one of several planned attacks that he is orchestrating through his minions. It is particularly ingenious because of the many opportunities it provides for further attacks through weaponizing the tests and vaccines which infect rather than detect or protect. And amidst all the fear and quarantines, plans are implemented, laws are passed, sleeper cells activated, prisoners are released, 5-G microwave antennas are installed, national guard and ex-military are activated, police are militarized and deployed, equipment placed, FEMA (concentration) camps established, jobs are lost, economies destroyed, monetary system changed…

All this will lead to civil war, then martial law, and then world war in the midst of rolling pandemics, natural and unnatural disasters (geoengineering), including weapons of alien (fallen angel) origin that will cause extreme weather and fiery events, plus earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, and famines—all that has been prophesied.

Through all this they will achieve their goals of depopulation and bringing in the New World Order and ultimately the beast system with compete control as has long been planned and just as prophesied in the Book of Revelation.

But those of us who are awake and faithful to God will be directed to places of safety and will participate in saving the those fleeing the calamities—both physically and spiritually.

The time is at hand. It’s time to awaken your minds.

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