Mass Consciousness

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Spiritual Gifts
Gifts of the spirit including the gift of prophecy are available to all and possessed by many, not just those who are officially called and anointed by God for His work. So the ability to see the future is not limited to things like the coming judgments.

Some people have used their gifts to “invent” technology or to simply to write about it as “science fiction” which may only later be seen as prescient. Think Leonardo da Vinci, Nicola Tesla, Jules Verne, HG Wells, Isaac Asimov, Arthur C Clark, Ray Bradbury, Arthur Conan Doyle, George Orwell, Robert Heinlein, Michael Crichton, and many more.

Not all recognize their abilities as gifts or acknowledge the source. Likewise, all the rest of us who don’t have or don’t recognize a specific ability to see the future nevertheless receive inspiration regardless of whether we recognize it as such. In fact, as inherently spiritual beings we all receive thoughts telepathically all the time from anyone or any being who directs their intent to us (or we to them) whether living or deceased and whether good or evil.

So the first challenge is to distinguish between our own thoughts and those coming to us from outside. And secondly to discern whether they are from the light or dark. And thirdly, with experience, to identify who specifically is communicating.

At any given time we can be more or less in tune with either dark or light based on our own choices of thoughts, activities, and surroundings. As we increase our ability to discern between them, the degree of both light and dark we may be exposed to will also increase since there is always a balance of good and evil.

Mass Consciousness
Information coming from the dark side can be true or false depending on its purpose. Dark entities may not have the ability to see the future like God, but they know what their own plans are and they know what God’s plans are in so far as He has revealed them to us. So to that extent they can expose future events to others if it furthers their agenda whether nefarious or simple mischief.

However, when thoughts and ideas are conveyed under a coordinated effort by Satan through his legions, they are able to control mass consciousness.

Those on the light side can also affect mass consciousness of those in tune with the light. This is what we are experiencing now with unprecedented divisions in the country and indeed the world.