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Exposing Deceptions

The focus of this blog is to expose deceptions like the corona viruse plandemic. It also covers topics like end times, science, and engineering. It may seem a bit eclectic but there is a common thread throughout.

11:11 Significance and Signs

Do you see 11:11 everywhere too? If so, perhaps you have also come to realize that there are no coincidences. But maybe you are still puzzled by its meaning. There are multiple layered meanings, but one is a reference to the lateness of the hour in these end times. Another is that you are re-awakening to contact with the other side. Your angels are reminding you that they’re there.

Site Tips

To get the most out of this site, please note that you can hover or click on most abbreviations to get a definition. Also, some citations are enclosed in author initials which are hover/clickable, as are most Scripture references—just FYI. For example:

JCI am the way, the truth, and the light.JC Jn 14:6 

KDthere is nothing new under the sunKD Ecc 1:9

See also Moroni 10:4

Condensed Content  

Besides abbreviations, you may notice that much of the information presented here has been curated and condensed from many sources with the goal of making it as concise and understandable as possible for those who just want answers.

Few Footnotes

This means there won’t be many footnotes or effort to formally cite sources which are often a tangled web leading down many rabbit holes that take a great deal of time to pursue and explain. But hopefully you will appreciate that much of this has taken many people, including myself, many hours over many years to research and understand.

Get Your Own Confirmation

But don’t take my word for it (or anyone else’s). Make sure you confirm everything you read by asking God yourself. He will witness the truth of whatever you need to know if you ask sincerely. 

Creative Spelling

In this age of censorship it is sometimes necessary to use alternate words or spellings of key words that might trigger algorithms used to flag undesirable content (or content from undesirables). YouTube has stepped up censorship both by demonetizing and removing videos. And Google routinely excludes content from search results on sites like this. And too often social media accounts and web sites are simply taken down or removed. 

So if you see what appear to be misspellings, it is most likely deliberate choices to avoid or minimize censorship. Of course, it’s also an opportunity to be creative and have some fun with double meanings such as: “plandemic”, “carona viruse“, “5–Gee or “five G”, and “Vaxines”.

Underlying Premise

Finally, many of the topics covered on this website have an underlying premise which is critical to understand. That is the existence of a common enemy who is at the root of all evil. Especially those things that are often labeled as conspiracies. 


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