Closing the Noose

sling, hangman, hanging

The level of deception is almost beyond imagination. What if everything you think you know is wrong? What if the good guys are really the bad guys and the bad guys are even worse? What if everything has been planned for a very long time? Like this plandemic.

It’s written on the dollar bill, “Out of chaos comes order”. Or more precisely, out of planned chaos comes the New World Order.

The crony viruse is real but the real danger is not the illness itself, but the fear it has induced and the level of control that we are allowing to be implemented as a result of that fear.

Angela Merkel said that Germany could see a 70% infection rate and the New York Times said that America could see 75%. But the actual numbers that are being reported even if real (which they probably are not) do not come close to these percentages and do not warrant the level of fear that has resulted nor the measures that have resulted from that fear.

The worst hit countries; China, South Korea, Iran, and Italy have seemingly scary total numbers–but not when viewed as a percentage of population and not when compared with other everyday causes of death.

For example, as of March 17, after having apparently run its course in China, the total percentage of the population infected was only 0.0006% and 0.000002% who died. A far greater percentage die from everyday things.

But governments and leaders of the world have taken advantage of the misinformation and resulting fear to enact draconian measures that the people are willingly accepting. A benign and sensible sounding term like “social distancing” has rapidly evolved in a matter of days to mean forced lock downs and martial law. The national guard has been called up, not to protect citizens, but to protect businesses and resources and to enforce food rationing.

Prisoners are being released both as a measure of compassion and because guards and personnel are not available to contain them. Law enforcement has announced they will not be be focused on the usual enforcement of laws but on protecting resources (controlling the people not the criminals).

And President Trump, the most powerful and trusted leader in the world, has enacted measures and invoked war time powers unprecedented in times of peace. He now has the authority to control all private businesses and all resources down to and including confiscation of any food that has been hoarded (stored), even by private individuals, for redistribution and rationing. This never would have been possible even with identical circumstances under the previous president.

United We Stand, Divided We Fall
That is, united we stood, but divided we fell. As Americans we have fallen due to having been divided by tactics long planned and implemented by the satanically directed powers that be. At first politically, then ideologically, and now physically divided (under the guise of social distancing).

The orchestrated and starkly contrasting philosophies pushed by the democrats and republicans through their controlled actor/players like Obama, Clinton, Sanders, and Trump, have succeeded in dividing the American people like never before.

This has resulted in the people being distracted from God as their ultimate source of protection. Instead everyone is focusing all their attention on men as the solution to world problems. God has therefore lifted his hand of protection and is allowing us to experience the consequences of ignoring Him and looking to our idols like Trump.

Globalism has been pitted against Nationalism with a resulting surge in Patriotism. While nationalism, patriotism, and the “Make America Great Again” campaign may be noble goals, the sharp contrast with the alternative of socialism has had the desired effect of not only dividing us in endless debates and fights with each other, but by causing us to look only to world leaders for solutions.

The truth is that Trump answers to the same puppet masters that control the opposition. He is their controlled opposition. They have thus succeeded not only in dividing us but in driving us to the brink of accepting the new world order. Many sinister agendas are being conveniently served and implemented through the current fear based plandemic. Trump’s storm is finally here.

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