blah.. blah.. Blogs

Message from God received by Julie Whedbee the week of Passover/Resurrection, April 8-14, 2020. “Children of Zion, My precious beloved ones, it unfolds now with great speed, as has been foretold. No longer does the enemy hide his wicked plots and schemes from view, but he boldly demands his plans come to fruition, and all people obey. This time you …
Why people are in Denial of the beginning judgments and need to wake up. In today’s world with our busy lives and limited time we tend to draw conclusions and form opinions based on minimal actual evidence because it takes too much effort to investigate and because we want to trust what seems to be consensus opinion. After all …
Can Americans be fooled like prewar Germans were by Hitler? If the enemy has control over what the people hear on the news and over politicians from whichever party the people trust, anything is possible. Does the enemy have that kind of control? With Satan’s vast resources do you think he is content in capturing only the low hanging …
Thanks to smart phones, computers, credit cards, and digital surveillance technology, we’ve already been tracked and profiled for many years. And thanks to the information most people have voluntarily provided through social media as well as data legally captured thanks to the Patriot Act from our phone calls, email, online shopping and browsing habits, there is no detail of …
The level of deception is almost beyond imagination. What if everything you think you know is wrong? What if the good guys are really the bad guys and the bad guys are even worse? What if everything has been planned for a very long time? Like this plandemic. It’s written on the dollar bill, “Out of chaos comes order”. …
End Times Synopsis  In the beginning… Lucifer was given dominion over the earth.He’s been executing a complex long term plan now approaching climax.It’s all about manipulating and ultimately destroying humanity.Everything in this world is orchestrated.All governments have been infiltrated, especially the United States.America has become Babylon the Great, the whore of all nations.All the rich, elite, and powerful are …
Evil has a source and that source is Satan… and his demonic forces. It’s fruitless to try to explain the existence of any controversy or conspiracy without first acknowledging this fact. Just like a spider sits at the center of web, Satan sits at the center of a vast and complex interconnected web of evil as its master mind. …
Psalm 91 [with my comments/interpretation]   “1 He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High [is focused on God] shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty [have His protection]. 2 I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust.” 3 Surely He shall deliver …
What to stock up on for CV and other challenges: First, spiritual awareness: seek God and read scriptures Next increase temporal awareness through planning Gather and use preventatives: Vit C/D (NOT vaccines) Increase dosages for active infections, add chaga, turmeric… Add to staples (hopefully you already have some) Have sufficient water but remember you can treat tap water Use …