Day: April 2, 2020

Exposing Deceptions The focus of this blog is to expose deceptions like the corona viruse plandemic. It also covers topics like end times, science, and engineering. It may seem a bit eclectic but there is a common thread throughout. 11:11 Significance and Signs Do you see 11:11 everywhere too? If so, perhaps you have also come to realize that …
Over the last two hundred years there was an awakening followed by an accelerated understanding of fundamental sciences resulting in the industrial revolution and ever more advanced developments in technology. However, as technology has increased, the powers that be (controlled by Satan) stepped in to have exclusive control and access to the power of technology. Thus began the suppression …
Spiritual GiftsGifts of the spirit including the gift of prophecy are available to all and possessed by many, not just those who are officially called and anointed by God for His work. So the ability to see the future is not limited to things like the coming judgments. Some people have used their gifts to “invent” technology or to …