who, world health organization, bless you

WHO is Responsible!? 

Yes, WHO is responsible. Many people don’t know that the World Health Organization is an appendage of the United Nations tasked with overseeing international (global) public health. It is part of the United Nations Sustainable Development Group.

Both the United Nations and The World Health Organization are focused on global governance. They are completely corrupt and complicit in many things from climate alarmism to the CV-19 fake PLANdemic. The WHO works closely with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation both in past and present efforts to create and deploy vaccines that are ever more harmful and deadly. Everything they do is focused on bringing about the New World Order.

Tedros Adhanom–who serves as Director-General of the WHO– has a despicable past. He is now facing calls to resign over the WHO‘s response to COVID-19 and obvious collusion with China. Born in 1965 in Ethiopia, Adhanom is the first African to be appointed Director-General of the WHO, and he is also the first in its 72-year history to not be a medical doctor.

Adhanom is a far-left politician and was part of a brutal regime in the 1980s working for Marxist dictator Mengistu Haile Mariam as Health Minister. After helping overthrow Mariam in 1991, he formed a new government and joined the Tigray People’s Liberation Front a communist party terrorist organization. It later became part of the EPRDF, the Ethiopian Peoples’ Revolutionary Democratic Front, a coalition of left-wing parties that ruled Ethiopia until 2019.

Even though he was a political appointee with no experience in health care, Adhanom received millions of dollars in donations from the international community to support the Ethiopian health care system due to the AIDS and Malaria crises that engulfed the nation in the mid-90s.

Much of the money was illicitly pocketed as thousands of substandard primary health care centers were built all over Ethiopia by contractors owned by Adhanom’s political party. A typical two-story building that housed about 25 health care providers did not have even the bare necessities. “No sterile gloves, paper exam gowns, covers for exam tables, cotton swabs, gauze, tongue depressors, alcohol prep pads, sample containers, chemical test strips, suturing equipment, syringes, disposable instruments, stethoscope, water sink, or restroom supplies.!” Doctors complained of abysmal working conditions in Ethiopia with no access to water for handwashing, and being forced to deliver babies at night using smartphones for flashlights.

Adhanom left the Ethiopian health sector very much politicized and crippled. During his tenure more than 35,000 female health extension workers were deployed across Ethiopia after only six months training to politically serve the TPLF rather than as health workers as verified by their own internal memos and reports.

While he was Health Minister, he prevented journalists from reporting on three separate cholera outbreaks in 2006, 2008 and 2011 while claiming it was simply ‘watery diarrhea’. In 2010, Adhanom served as a leader in the Ethiopian Peoples’ Revolutionary Democratic Front. As foreign minister from 2012 and 2016, he became the face of a government that human rights groups accused of systematic torture, disappearances and repression of the media and civil society, and brutal attacks on their own citizens.

As director of the WHO, Adhanom appointed Zimbabwe president Robert Mugabe in 2017 as a “goodwill ambassador” for the WHO, but then rescinded after an international outcry. Critics cited the collapse of Zimbabwe’s healthcare system and the country’s economy under Mugabe. Adhanom’s appointment of Mugabe as goodwill ambassador was to appease China, a long-time supporter of Mugabe, for using their influence to have him elected Director-General. The WHO continues to push Chinese propaganda.

China has praised the authoritarian control of Ethiopia’s regime, which rules under emergency powers and has put down pro-democracy protests. As Foreign Minister, Adhanom received millions of dollars in funding from the United Nations and China.

This is the legacy of the man who has been directing the global response to the corona virus pandemic and running interference for China regarding the Wuhan outbreak. In a sane world, instead of leading a global organization, Tedros and his cronies would be convicted for crimes by the International Criminal Court and spend the rest of their lives in prison.

But you’ll be glad to know he just announced with great glee and fanfare that he has succeeded in partnering with Lady Gaga to fight the pandemic. That should put your mind at ease.

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