Virulent Vaccines

Vaccine Controversy? 

There are many reasons why the average person has not looked into the vaccine controversy at all, and others only superficially. First, there is mainstream consensus. The establishment can’t be wrong. There is no need to dive deeper when common sense clearly attests it’s not even worth your time to do so.

Secondly, for those who consider themselves educated, a simple understanding of the scientific principles on which vaccines work is sufficient. When a weakened pathogen is introduced to the body it develops antibodies, the immune system is activated and it is then able to protect against future infections. Case closed. Anyone who questions vaccines must not understand this. Plus we have historical evidence. Many dangerous diseases have been eliminated by vaccines.

Thirdly, if there was any reason to worry there’s a whole hierarchy of medical professionals from doctors, the American Medical Association, and Medical Schools, to the Surgeon General and all the agencies like the National Institutes of Health, the Center for Disease Control, The World Health Organization, and on and on. All of these know more than you could ever know no matter how much you researched. If you can’t trust them, who can you trust?

Fourthly is the desire to avoid controversy for the sake of your own sanity. Why risk offending someone or being offended, especially in light of all of the above.

Lastly, we are all inherently busy (and/or lazy). It takes effort to educate yourself. Especially if it’s a subject you’re not especially interested in or good at. Why do anything you don’t have to especially if it doesn’t seem to affect you directly at this time in your life?

Anyone one of the above reasons should be sufficient all by itself, but taken all together it’s a slam dunk. Right?

So it’s easy to dismiss someone who is an “anti-vaxxer” as simply a paranoid, uninformed, unintelligent, naïve, conspiracy theorist, or somehow a victim of propaganda with too much time on their hands. The kind you should avoid at all costs or at least not entertain discussions with.

However, you may still have a nagging uncomfortable feeling in the back of your mind as to what you might be missing or why there seems to be so many victims of wrong thinking especially if some of them are trusted friends, family, or acquaintances that you otherwise consider to be intelligent.

Whatever your rationalizations, here are a few things to consider:

True Conspiracy?

What if there is an actual true conspiracy? And if there is, why? These may be the most important questions to answer. But let’s first examine some of the facts concerning modern vaccines in order to be able to understand who would do this and why.

We must first acknowledge up front that the concept of inoculation is a true and valid science dating back to the 1700’s (if not much earlier in other civilizations) when people like Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin inoculated themselves and their families by scratching their skin with a pin that had been dipped into an oozing small pox sore.

Virulent Vaccines?

However, vaccines today are far more complicated and have far more ingredients than earlier vaccines. They’re not just weakened viruses as you might suspect and there are surprisingly high numbers of different diseases and adverse side affects suspected of being caused by, if not obviously being caused by, vaccines. These range from the disease itself to other severe illnesses and health issues and even death. 

Specifically, some of the commonly reported reactions to vaccinations include: autism, rheumatoid arthritis, ADHD, diabetes, Crohn’s Disease, asthma, plaques psoriasis, and many more. This alone should make you want to be confident you are making an informed decision before injecting yourself or your child.

Although the CDC has a database in the U.S. that would permit comparing the incidence of these diseases between vaccinated and unvaccinated children, no such study has ever been done–despite numerous requests from many organizations including the OIM. But NIH has responded that they will never do that study.


DTP (Death Trap Pertussis)

However, Dr. Peter Ave from Guinea Bissau Africa, responsible for developing vaccine programs for most of the third world countries and who has done more vaccinations personally than any other living person, was able to conduct a 30 year reflective study from records kept on these countries. The data happened to consist of near equally sized groups of randomly distributed young children both vaccinated and unvaccinated. He submitted his findings in 2017 where he discovered to his surprise a 5 times higher mortality rate for DTP vaccinated children. More were killed from other causes than it saved from diphtheria, tetanus, or pertussis. He concluded that while the vaccines may have protected against the intended diseases, they were somehow weakening the immune system making them more susceptible to other more serious diseases.

Then, Dr. Christie Ben, a professor in Global Health at the University of South Denmark and who had worked with Dr. Ave, followed up with several more studies confirming the same results. She suggested that if they modified the existing program by eliminating just the DTP they could save 1.1M children per year. UNICEF and WHO (both appendages if the United Nations) were contacted subsequent to these studies with an urgent request to modify the vaccination schedule. But after two years there has been no action.

Alarmingly, instead of taking action to prevent further harm, the WHO was just accused (Feb 26, 2020) of conducting another new vaccine study without participant consent in three African countries using a controversial malaria vaccine that comes on top of 5 previous vaccines that resulted in a doubling of female child mortality. This has been an ongoing pattern of behavior for several years by the WHO and other organizations aligned with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF).

From DTP to DTaP (Death Trap accentuated Pertussis)

“Fortunately” in the United States, DTP was discontinued due to massive law suits making it unprofitable. Unfortunately it was replaced with DTaP (acellular Pertussis) which is worse. The new modern improved version (from the globalist point of view) provides immunity from the whooping “cough” but not the disease. It was designed to hide the primary warning symptom but still leave children infected and still contagious. So now without even a warning cough the disease is spreading more than ever before.

Boston University now writes that “the resurgence of whooping cough is because we didn’t understand how the immune system or vaccine works for whooping cough, instead we layered assumptions on assumptions and now we find ourselves in the uncomfortable position of admitting we made some crucial errors.

While this might seem to be a refreshing admission by those not necessarily knowingly complicit, it hides the fact that those at the top are deliberately compromising vaccines for profit and global control.

Also, the Oxford Journal of the Pediatric Infectious Disease Society admitted one year ago (February 2019) that ALL children who received DTaP will remain more susceptible to pertussis throughout their lives, and there is no way to decrease their lifetime susceptibility.

But the bigger problem is that, in spite of all that is now known, nothing as been done about it! And worse, this information is being actively suppressed. Children are still receiving DTaP 5 times until they’re 18! Without it they could get pertussis once and have immunity. With it they are guaranteed a lifetime with no immunity. There should have been an immediate halt to use of this vaccine and a huge public outcry. Why is this still happening!?

And still worse, it has been discovered that vaccinated children can have an even greater lethal response, an extreme immune reaction called a cytokine storm that occurs when they are re-exposed to the pathogens from which they were supposed to have immunity. This is exactly the same thing that is being seen in coronavirus patients who were previously vaccinated against SARS. So this weaponized effect was first tested on children!

How are vaccines even approved? 

A recent example is the new Hepatitis B vaccine that was approved at the CDC‘s February 2018 ACIP meeting (Advisory Committee for Immunization Practices). It was approved by a 100% unanimous vote despite unanswered questions. Like whether the adjuvants it contains would be compatible with others in the vaccines it is combined with. CDC officials heading the panel said they had no data – but suggested it could be administered in a different limb (arm or leg). How would this make a difference? You don’t have to be a doctor to realize your body doesn’t care where you get the shot. This lame off-the-cough response is revealing of an agency operating on an agenda that has no intention of approving safe vaccines, rather quite the opposite.

It was only discovered in 2011 that our immune system has what they call Toll-like receptors that can hyper stimulate our immune system. Hepatitis B is the first vaccine to try and target it. So when a top scientist asked if this brand new way of manipulating the immune system was tested together with another adjuvant, the answer was no, we have no data.

Then someone asked if this was done anywhere else in the world? Answer: No. But there was still 100% approval. It was only after the vote that an obviously intimidated doctor apparently pressured to conform admitted he had reservations on voting yes. As the only cardiologist on the panel he wanted to at least go on record that he was aware that manufacturer testing had revealed increased heart attack risk. But when investigated this “increased risk” turned out to be 14 acute heart attacks!

The CDC and the FDA don’t do any of the testing. They only require the manufacturers themselves, which stand to make billions in profits, to test their own product. They obviously have no incentive to fail their own product tests which may have cost them millions to develop. It’s the ultimate conflict of interest.

And there are no tests done against placebos. Without a control group there is virtually zero reliable tests on vaccines. By design, the only practical testing occurs “in the field” on the American public using VAERS (the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System). But this too is designed to fail. 

Doctors don’t know they should even report something like a heart attack since they aren’t told to look for it. And they wouldn’t know if it or any other problem is related to the vaccine anyway (or even to which vaccine since so many are given simultaneously) since many problems develop over time or only manifest upon subsequent exposure to pathogens after the immune has been compromised. And even if a doctor suspected a problem was vaccine related they are unlikely to report it due to liability and image concerns.

So vaccine related injuries and health problems are very difficult to positively prove especially when the entire system is designed to do the opposite of what we think it is supposed to do. If the vaccine and pharma industries actually succeeded in eliminating disease, they would put themselves out of business. 

But despite almost non existent incentives, controls, or even meaningful instructions on how to report, in 2018 VAERS still received 62,533 reports of adverse events including 533 deaths, 1438 permanent disabilities, 5,108 hospitalizations, and 5,588 emergency room visits.

Adverse Events Under Reported by More Than 100X

But according to a HHS (Health and Human Services) report, fewer than 1% of adverse events are ever even reported. Even FDA commissioner David Kessler admitted that only a tiny fraction are reported (and the FDA is almost certainly complicit while HHS may only be compromised). So the above numbers must be conservatively increased by at least a 100 times. These are very discouraging numbers.

Although they don’t allow use of their database to connect adverse events to vaccines through studies for vaccinated versus unvaccinated children, we do have health data which shows that 1 in 6 children has a developmental disability (ADD, ADHD, Autism, learning disability, mental disability, hearing disability, seizures, stammering, stuttering), and 54% have chronic illnesses (anxiety, asthma, behavioral problems, bone and muscle, ear infections, depression, diabetes, digestion allergies, environmental allergies, epilepsy, rheumatoid arthritis, seizure disorder).

5X Increase Since 1986, U.S. Now Has Worst Health Outcomes 

Do you know anybody (or anybody’s kid) with any of these problems? I do. But they were very rare in my generation. In 1986 the chronic illness prevalence was 12.8%. But by 2011 it shot up to 54%!! Coincidentally, the number of childhood vaccinations administered also went up by a factor of five from 11 in 1986 to 54 in 2011 (actually 72 since some vaccines have 3,4,5 antigens).

Also, coincidentally, 1986 is the year all liability was removed from vaccines. By law, no one in the chain (doctor, pharmacist, hospital, drug company, government, etc.) can be sued for anything. No meaningful testing, no liability, no access to the database to study vaccinated vs unvaccinated health outcomes. Does any of this feel right to you?

There has also been active censorship of anything questioning vaccine safety. Especially regarding some of the more commonly reported problems like autism. A 2014 documentary ( was banned from the Tribeca Film Festival at the last minute. Festival owners finally admitted that their principle sponsor was a big Pharm company and wouldn’t allow it. Negative reviews were published before anyone actually viewed the documentary.

It was also censored from Amazon, Netflix, iTunes, etc. after Representative Adam Schiff (Dem) contacted Jeff Bezos in March 2019 requesting removal of anything that questioned vaccine safety. He also contacted Facebook and all the other social media platforms with the same mandate. 

A recent example is Nick Catone, a popular MMA celebrity with 100,000 followers, who had his personal and business Facebook pages taken down. After then creating a new Facebook page he was permanently banned–all because he had reflected on the loss of his infant son as possibly due to a vaccine. Why are they so desperate to hide this information?

Now on to the bigger questions. Why is this happening and who is really behind it? The simple answer is follow the money. The agencies and their directors all have direct and indirect financial ties to the pharma industry.

But the more uncomfortable part of the answer is that there really is a massive conspiracy that involves Satanic powers and agendas. The elites and the globalists are determined to bring in the New World Order. If you find this hard to accept you really need to open your eyes.

Let’s start with Eph 6:12 “We fight not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.”

If you don’t completely understand Satan’s role and the scope of his influence, please read this post: The Spider.

To bring it home, there is no end to Satan’s conspiracies against us. Vaccines is just one. If you find this one so impossible to accept there are many more he will snare you with as well. We have to be open to all possibilities.

We are at the point of climax when Satan is pulling out all the stops. He has but a short time. God expects us to be wise, to know our enemy, to defend ourselves as needed and to go on the offense as needed. We can’t just sit back and claim to be good by doing no bad.

If a storm is coming you have to take shelter. God is not going to come and hold an umbrella over your head while you sit dong nothing. If the enemy tries to harm your child you must take steps to protect him, you can’t just say I’m a good and faithful servant so nothing bad will happen to us.

You can’t fight the enemy or even defend yourself if you don’t know his plans. That’s why God says, “my people perish for lack of knowledge.”

If you’ve been warned, you must warn your neighbor. If your neighbor is harmed because you failed to warn him, you will be held accountable even if warning him feels controversial or uncomfortable. The enemy knows how to make things controversial and uncomfortable. That’s a big part of his strategy.

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