Poliomylitis Politicus

History Repeats

The coronavirus pandemic is a repeat performance straight out of the well worn playbook of the CDC. The parallels between how they handled poliovirus “epidemics” starting in the 1940’s and how they’re handling coronavirus “pandemics” now are astonishing. It’s a classic implementation of the problem/reaction/solution manipulation cycle; where each phase is caused and controlled by the same entity against an unsuspecting and trusting public.

In the period immediately before the polio vaccine was released, the CDC had waged a media campaign to make the public believe polio was worse than what it was by persistent news coverage of the disease including film footage of paralytic polio victims in leg braces, or immobilized and strapped to huge inclined boards, or housed in foreboding iron lungs. The public pictured the thousands of kids reported with polio each year as suffering terribly when in truth the pictures involved only a fraction of a percent of the diagnosed cases. And people were led to believe that the iron lung was a permanent fixture, but in a majority of cases it was used for only one or two weeks.

In 1954, just as the polio vaccine was released, the CDC changed the definition of polio to include only those with paralysis to make it look like the vaccine was a big success. They were thereby able to claim an immediate 85% reduction in cases even though it was just a reclassification of the disease. The arbitrary change in the diagnostic parameter of paralytic polio from one day to two months of paralysis eliminated the majority of all polio cases. All of these non-paralytic polio cases which represented the majority of cases before vaccine introduction were simply discarded and reclassified.

This would be like changing the diagnosis of measles by requiring that a rash last for ten days instead of the more typical three to five days. In this way the disease could be declared eradicated.

Then In 1960 they also changed the definition of a community epidemic by increasing the number of cases required to be classified as an epidemic from 20 to 35 per 100,000 population. By cherry picking this cut off level they were able to make it look like polio epidemics had been eliminated.

Also, after the vaccine was licensed in 1954, the CDC became the only entity allowed to confirm paralytic polio. All suspected cases had to be sent to them for analysis and testing. And over the years they further reduced diagnoses of paralytic polio by manipulating testing protocols such as the testing of cerebrospinal fluid, stool and other tests. Not content in having manipulated numbers by mere changes in classifications, the CDC, having become the sole source of information, had compete control over what was reported. Then, just as today, we had and have no idea what was and is really going on.

The same thing was done in Canada. The Dominion Council of Health at its 74th meeting in October 1958 recommended that “for the purposes of national reporting and statistics the term non-paralytic poliomyelitis be replaced by ‘meningitis, viral or aseptic’ with the specific viruses shown where known.”

Today Vaccine proponents claim that the iconic iron lung is no longer used is due to the success of the polio vaccine. But the reality is that it was simply replaced years ago by much smaller portable respirators.

On its website, the CDC continues to promote the illusion of their successful polio campaign that was really just smoke and mirrors:

“How common was polio in the United States?
Polio was one of the most dreaded childhood diseases of the 20th century in the United States. [Periodic epidemics increased] in size and frequency in the late 1940s and early 1950s. An average of over 35,000 cases were reported during this time period. With the introduction of Salk inactivated poliovirus vaccine (IPV) in 1955, the number of cases rapidly declined to under 2,500 cases in 1957. By 1965, only 61 cases of paralytic polio were reported.”

In the 90s, the WHO was able to follow the pattern established by the CDC in the manipulation of statistics to quickly implement the same diagnostic changes in India and Africa for their “polio eradication initiatives”. The result, as expected, was the announcement in 2013 that India was polio free.

What the WHO so conveniently omitted was any mention of the skyrocketing incidence in both nations of “acute flaccid paralysis” which is clinically identical to polio. They were even able to repeat the same disastrous effects in these nations that was caused by the oral polio vaccine in the U.S. despite it having been abandoned here back in 2000 for causing Vaccine Associated Paralytic Polio (VAPP). The incidence of acute flaccid paralysis quickly soared to tens of thousands in India, far surpassing the 1996 incidence of polio.

Another parallel to look forward to is the devastating effects of taking the vaccine. Besides actually causing the disease it is supposed to prevent (by design) as with VAPP in the oral vaccine, they also managed to contaminate the injectable polio vaccine with a cancer virus which went undetected for 8 years and affected 98 million Americans according to the CDC‘s own admission. These were not accidents.

Another interesting parallel between polio and the coronavirus was the discovery of an effective treatment that was suppressed. That treatment, coincidentally, is the same one recently hailed and then suppressed for CV-19. During the polio epidemics of the ’40s and ’50s, a Dr. Fred Klenner successfully cured every one of his sixty polio patients including those who were paralyzed–using massive injections of vitamin C. Despite reporting on his success at the annual AMA meeting in 1949, no mention of it was ever made to the American public.

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