Nebulous Nefarious Numbers

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German chancellor Angela Merkel said 70% of all Germans could become infected with CV. The New York Times reported that 75% of America could become infected if we all don’t stay in our houses. Then Governor Cuomo said 80% of New York could become infected.

All this propaganda has had the desired effect. A lot of people are really worried. They’re freaking out. They’re saying oh my gosh millions of people could be infected with this really bad cold and millions of people could die!

But what we’ve seen is that all of Asia is pretty much on the mend. Wuhan is now reporting zero cases. In all of China, eighty thousand people ended up infected. But in a population of 1.3 billion, that is only 0.0006% or more than ten thousand times lower than the 70% projected by our media. Even if you restrict the population to just the city of Wuhan’s 11 million, the percentage is still only 0.7% or a hundred times lower than projected.

South Korea was the second area of Asia to be hit the hardest. They have had about nine thousand cases out of 51 million, or 0.01%. Japan had 0.007%. And Taiwan was 0.005%. Some might say that South Korea is on the mend because they did a lot of testing. But the 200,000 people that were tested out of 51 million is only 0.4% and only 4% of those tested were positive. We also know Iran was also hard hit. But they only had 0.02% get infected.

But what about Italy? They’ve had it the worst with numbers still increasing, right? Well, at around fifty thousand cases in a population of 70 million the percentage is still less than one tenth of one percent at 0.07%. And many of their reported deaths as elsewhere are the elderly in care facilities that were likely to die of pre-existing conditions anyway. And many reports have emerged that there has been exaggerations and fabrications of the numbers, just like in the U.S.

Some people in America have begun to wonder what the true numbers are. Since many of us don’t personally know someone with a confirmed case much less someone who has died from it, some YouTubers with large subscriber bases have informally polled their audience to see how many of them personally know of someone. They were surprised to not receive any reports or only isolated reports of illness that weren’t even confirmed cases.

But conflictingly we have heard of many celebrities and public figures claiming to have tested positive. Suspiciously, the percentage of these as a group is about 4000 times higher than for someone in the general population. Could they be facilitating an agenda of the elite to spread fear to further their agenda of world control?

Now some people might say that the low percentages in other countries is because they took more measures than we did. They contained it. They were proactive. They had tests.

But China, which was ground zero, was the only country in Asia to go on lockdown. South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, and Vietnam did not.

However, since Vietnam borders China and has a huge Chinese population in the north that goes back and forth on a regular basis, they were intentionally more proactive and actually manufactured their own tests and were ready to go. But then they ended up not really needing them with less than 100 cases. And most of those came from travelers and from their close contacts who ended up getting infected.

Most of the Asian countries did close schools. But that’s because in their culture the little kids go home to Grandma and Grandpa. They have multi-generational homes where Grandparents do most of the child-rearing while mom and dad go to work and make money. They also closed their museums and some of their big events so they didn’t have crowds gathering together. In other words they used practical common sense measures without shutting everything down.

What about India? With a population of 1.3 billion densely packed people with far inferior hygiene than other nations, they should be the most vulnerable. But they still have not seen the rapid spread that our media has projected with only around 300 cases so far.

The one case where the infection rate was significantly higher was the Diamond Princess cruise ship. This was an obvious failure in trying to keep people safe. Instead, they only increased their exposure by isolating them in tiny windowless rooms with a common ventilation system circulating the same air throughout. And with chrome everywhere for germs to live on, a lot of the staff members ended up getting sick. And they were still working and serving food to the people. So they were basically just sitting ducks waiting to be picked off one by one. But even in that horrifically cruel scenario, only 17% (not 70%) of the people on board the Diamond Princess ended up coming down with CV (again if we can even believe their numbers or the accuracy of testing).

The privileged mentality in America has prompted a focus on testing. But people don’t seem to realize that testing doesn’t help cure anyone. Some people may assume that early detection is critical like it is with some treatable diseases. But this disease has no treatment. So a positive test only helps identify those who should self quarantine. It’s for containment purposes. It doesn’t increase your chance of survival.

The Asian nations outside of China did test people with symptoms in order to advise who should stay home. South Korea, Taiwan and Singapore advised only the people who tested positive or that suspected they had it to self quarantine. Everybody else was to go about their day and go make money because they were gonna need it to pay bills.

Whereas in America, we’re soon going to find out that the lockdown measures keeping us inside, and the financial handouts to businesses and individuals that have become politically necessary, are actually going to be incredibly and irreversibly economically devastating to the entire nation and ultimately to the entire world.

Unlike South Korea where you had to have a doctor’s note to get tested, the progressive United States permits anyone in fear to request testing. Some are even urging that everyone needs to be tested. But at the same time they warn that such large scale testing could overwhelm and take down the health care system. Forcing everyone to gather at test sites among the infected could also do more to spread the virus than anything else.

Ready to capitalize on the situation, Jack Ma, the Chinese billionaire, sent over quite a few masks and test kits to the United States. Like 1 million with another 5 million on the way. But you have to ask yourself, how much do you trust this Chinese oligarch whose bigger-than-Amazon Alibaba who makes the app that is now controlling the population based on their health history and social credits?

If the elite have a hand in this, regardless of country of origin, doesn’t it make sense for  them to create both the problem and the solution to suit their agenda. They create the virus, supply the test kits and masks compromised with whatever nano particles or pathogens to swab in your nose or for you to breathe into your nose and mouth, and then when you’re sick, you willingly accept their compromised vaccine as the final punch.

It’s also interesting that apart from China, only the Western cultures of Europe and North America have taken the draconian measures of shutting everything down. And this after criticizing China as a horrible dictatorship for doing the same thing.

Mexico and Brazil have not shut down and they’re already on the mend providing more evidence that it’s not something that must be done in order to combat this “really bad cold”.

As another point of comparison, note that pneumonia accounts for about 200,000 hospitalizations each year in the United States resulting in about 50,000 deaths (mostly in the winter months). This is a mortality rate of around 25%.

If the United States suffered the same 0.07% CV infection rate as Italy, there would be around 245,000 cases in our 350 million population. This is about the same number as are currently affected by pneumonia every year. We don’t lock down the country to prevent the spread of influenza and pneumonia. Nothing about what we’re being told, or what is being done to us makes sense.

America, Land of the fearful, Home of the no longer free.

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