Marked for Elimination

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Thanks to smart phones, computers, credit cards, and digital surveillance technology, we’ve already been tracked and profiled for many years. And thanks to the information most people have voluntarily provided through social media as well as data legally captured thanks to the Patriot Act from our phone calls, email, online shopping and browsing habits, there is no detail of our lives that is not known.

So they not only know what your political and religious affiliations are, they know the subtleties of your beliefs and interests. They know your habits, where you go, what you do, and with whom you affiliate. Computer algorithms and artificial intelligence can predict where you’ll be at any given moment and what you’ll do. They know more about us than we know ourselves.

Through GPS tracking and all of the above, they know exactly how people are responding to their manufactured crises. In other words they know more than enough to determine who will be useful and cooperative going forward and who should be eliminated.

Anyone marked for elimination needs to understand the plans of the enemy to avoid their attacks. The plandemic has provided multiple new ways of controlling us. Everyone who is now voluntarily submitting to testing or vaccinations or even wearing masks that could be impregnated with nanoparticles or biologic agents, are at risk of being infected with the very pathogens they are meant to protect against. The engineered viruses can be selectively activated even remotely through fifth generation 60mm microwave technology at any future time based on any criteria they choose.

Unfortunately, mask wearing, testing, and vaccinations will become compulsory in the future. When this becomes apparent, some people may attempt to flee to remote areas to avoid it. But this will require abandoning smartphones and other digital technology which can be tracked. This also means you will not be able to use credit cards. Exposing these deceptions is not meant to create fear but to motivate defensive planning and action. Cash will eventually become worthless and obsolete. When this happens gold and silver may be used as a currency of exchange for a time until food and other necessities become scarce. Bartering or sharing of goods and services will then be the only way to avoid participating in the new world order system.

If you have friends and family that do submit to the system, in some cases they will be  manipulated to help track you down or they may be used as hostages to get you to submit.

This is not a pretty picture, but we do have the promise of protection through God and His angels. This is a difficult time we are going through but it is for a reason. It is the time of the great harvest of souls. Through tribulation people will turn back to God. Those who have remained faithful will be used to bring in that harvest.

So it’s time for the faithful to wake up and avoid cooperating with, or being victims of, the plans of the enemy. To avoid the plans and attacks of the enemy, we must understand them. Then we have a responsibility to warn others and to actively fight against the enemy.

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