Fifth Generation Vaxines

cellular tower, power, technology

I previously shared a video link by YouTuber Dana Ashley that’s since been taken down. It made a connection between 5G and the coronavirus. The video included a short excerpt from a nine hour deposition by Dr. Stanley Plotkin, a leading expert on vaccines. The selected excerpt documented the ingredients that are now in vaccines including chemical, viral, and cellular (as cultivated from human fetuses and animal body parts). The point was to expose how they are causing the adverse events that are commonly attributed to vaccines.

To confirm the Plotkin clip wasn’t taken out of context, I watched parts of his complete Jan 2018 deposition for a case involving a man suing his wife over her decision not to vaccinate their child. Plotkin explained that he volunteered to testify on behalf of the father because he is actively fighting “anti-vaxer’s”. I also watched a 40 min talk Plotkin gave at the American Philosophical Society Annual Meeting in April 2018. In both cases he freely admitted that he actively works with and under the funding of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and other activists fighting the anti-vax movement.

While the YouTube video did not say he was part of a conspiracy to weaponize vaccines for population control, his close association with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation together with his response as being proudly atheistic at least suggests he might be open that possibility.

Gates openly states his involvement in vaccine development is to reduce population. He specifically shows a goal for reducing deaths using a formula that includes population as one of its terms stating, “the product of these numbers has to reach zero”. Therefore, if the true effects of his vaccination program ever comes out he can simply say that he never hid it. He may altruistically believe that he is doing the world a favor by reducing fertility especially in poorer countries and thus total population in a world with limited resources. But clearly he is a satanically controlled agent.

This is a belief held by many people–especially among the wealthy and the elite and undoubtedly by some of the scientists they have recruited like Plotkin. And as atheists they also have no problem going beyond sterilization to actual culling of the so called “worthless eaters”. By creating and patenting both the virus and the vaccine, they achieve results on both ends, the cause and the “cure”, all while making money and being hailed as heroes.

But the coronavirus may be both more and less dangerous than we think. CV by itself may not be life threatening. But there is evidence that it is a deliberately enhanced lab engineered virus that it is being deliberately spread and that it is exacerbated by 5G and also by triggering a cytokine storm in people previously vaccinated for SARS. It may also be specifically genotyped to target certain race specific genetic factors like those of Asian decent as in China.

The respiratory distress being seen can be caused by high band (above 30 GHz) 5G microwave radiation which impairs oxygen’s ability to bind to iron in hemoglobin. This produces symptoms similar to hypoxia or high altitude sickness where key tissues including the heart, lung and brain become oxygen starved and cause people to pass out and sometimes die.

It is further weaponized by controlling where and when it is released, by spreading misinformation and fear, by forcing lock downs and quarantines, by creating runs on food, supplies and resources, and by disrupting industry, commerce, and the economy, thus effectively shutting down normal life.

It also has the effect of rendering people compliant and accepting of whatever other measures the authorities wish to impose. The fear and suspicion over who might be carriers also affects people’s behavior towards each other. They not only accept but will demand things like imposed travel restrictions and isolation of those even suspected of exposure, and eventually forced vaccinations.

This entire “plandemic” is thus highly orchestrated. The real cause is further concealed by not accurately reporting true symptoms. For example, although it is being called a pneumonia type respiratory illness which would normally cause respiratory failure by clogging the lungs with phlegm, many have reported a dry cough. Respiratory failures are likely occurring due to the synergistic and  hypoxic effects of the millimeter radiation.

The numbers of people infected and dying may have been under reported in China, but elsewhere they are greatly exaggerated to cause confusion and fear. Actual tests may not be very accurate and some test kits have been found to be  contaminated with coronavirus.

Initially test samples, whose viability is time limited, were sent to the WHO, the very organization suspected of being complicit, and where even there they were unable to process them due to shear numbers. They were thus free to report whatever they wanted. So most diagnosis and decisions to quarantine were made on the basis of elevated temperature alone. Chinese police forcefully removed some victims from their homes. And some quarantines in China were enforced by chaining entrance gates and even welding doors shut.

Wuhan, the city of origin, is a modern mega city geographically and economically located in the heart of central China on the banks of the Yangtze river, a major waterway for commerce. Wuhan is also a hub for air and train travel. Plus it is home to the second largest number of University’s in China attracting students and visitors from all over. It was thus strategically chosen as an ideal site to test their ability to spread the virus.

The timing was also selected to coincide with the Chinese Lunar New Year when the most people would be traveling to maximize it’s spread. Wuhan was also well prepared in advance by having a blanket of 5G antennas installed. Even the hastily constructed hospital had 5G donated and installed by Huawei despite having only six days to do so.

The outbreak on the Diamond Princess off Japan was also no accident as it just happened to have the first cruise ship 5G installed just prior to the outbreak and was therefore specifically chosen as a perfect test site. It provided a captive environment of test subjects who could be easily exposed to both the virus and the cohort electromagnetic millimeter radiation. They were effectively pre-quarantined and easily observed to see as the effectiveness of the virus/5G deployment and public reactions to it.

As a planned event, the widespread spraying of supposed “disinfectants” throughout the city of Wuhan as shown on many videos posted could also have been in some cases a deployment of the virus instead. The use of remote controlled robotic vehicles to do this only raises this suspicion. But even those who were spraying manually could easily be clueless as to what they were really doing. While this is just speculation, everything has to questioned given the high probability and considerable evidence of this being a planned event.

There are also reports of people recovering completely but then being “re-infected”, which doesn’t make sense immunologically. But it does make sense if 5G microwave radiation is a major contributor to the symptoms, and if the virus is resistant by design. It is known that when re-challenged by subsequent exposure to the virus, that many people, especially those pre-sensitized by having been vaccinated, have experienced an extreme immune system reaction called a cytokine storm.

The Chinese began forced vaccinations on December 1, 2019 the exact time of the first CV infections. They used a SARS vaccine that  developers had warned against releasing due to it causing those extreme reactions on subsequent exposures to the virus. And since we now know that Covid is a combination of SARS, MERS, and HIV and therefore likely to cause this reaction, this is virtually a smoking gun.

Also, while there is good evidence that high dose Vitamin C is an effective treatment for this and other viruses (especially when administered as an infusion), this fact is being suppressed. Although some people might be skeptical that Vitamin C can treat viruses, it is known that there is no harm in taking even mega doses of it. Why then, is there active suppression of Vitamin C as a treatment and even warnings that it is harmful? Maybe it’s worth identifying who would go to effort of labeling it harmful to find out who else is really behind the epidemic.

YouTube has already removed videos and links to some of the most credible references and the top search hits for “vitamin c coronavirus” have a big FALSE label by both and which further proclaims vitamin c as a “Fake coronavirus cure” and then identifies itself as “one of several organizations working with Facebook to debunk misinformation shared on social media”. Another top hit by the New York Post falsely proclaimed “Phony online health gurus advise ‘near-lethal’ vitamin doses to combat coronavirus”.

And cautions: “Be careful where you get your news about coronavirus… And, “Beware: Misinformation is rampant… Just as the number of people and countries affected by this new virus have spread, so have conspiracy theories… Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and TikTok, have seen false and misleading posts such as “coronavirus is a human-made virus in the laboratory” and unfounded recommendations to prevent infection by taking vitamin C… Facebook is trying to “fact-check” postings, label those that are clearly false, and reduce their ranking so they are less prominently displayed.” [This is active censorship!]

Harvard then goes on to identify “reliable” sources of information: “the CDC and the WHO, Medline Plus from the US National Library of Medicine, the UK’s National Health Service, the US Food and Drug Administration, and major news outlets such as The New York Times, The Washington Post, and The Boston Globe’s STAT News.”

Thanks Harvard for identifying and confirming those many of us already knew were part of the cabal. We can simply invert all your claims of who and what’s true and false to find the real truth.

Of course not everyone in the rank and file affiliated with these groups, institutions, and agencies are complicit or corrupt. But the key high level people and executives often are. And many of their chief scientists also seem complicit. Is it because they are forced to comply with classic carrot/stick tactics: reward vs ruin of their finances, reputations, and careers? Or because they have bought into the agenda for population reduction to preserve resources and make the world a better place for the elites and the privileged few? Or both!

All of this is a test to see what the globalists can do and how much they can control even with what should be an essentially non virulent pathogen—all while holding in reserve far more potent pandemic agents like airborne Ebola. So it is important to be informed, prepared, and to resist reacting in fear. We should also recall the previous scares over Ebola, SARS, and Zika that died out soon after money was raised for vaccine development.

But an ironic consequence of the current CV outbreak is that people will be even more accepting of mandatory adult vaccinations which are planned to begin in the United States this year. People will likely not only accept this but demand it. And they will ostracize and condemn anyone who opposes it since they will be seen as nothing more than foolishly deceived conspiracy believing crazies who are increasing the risk for everyone else. This may lead to increased persecution of God fearing Christians who are typically the most awake and resistant to accepting these false narratives. The enemy’s plan is incredibly sinister and well thought out.

But we have protection in God—as long as we turn to Him in faith. We must not only believe, but trust in Him in order to not fear the judgments that are now starting and will greatly increase. See Claim Your Protection.

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