Corona Questions

question, question mark, fire

Did you know that the CDC‘s publicly reported data on CV cases include both confirmed and “presumed” cases? And that the numbers include cases that are both reported to the CDC and determined by the CDC‘s own testing? So accurate information depends first on whether the CDC is a trusted data source (they’re not), and second on what is meant by “confirmed” and “presumed”.

Further, there are disclaimers on the CDC website stating that the accuracy of even confirmed cases cannot be assured since their test relies on RT-PCR sequences that are for research use only and can’t be used for diagnostic purposes!

There should be no question as to the number of deaths. But we have no idea how many deaths are falsely attributed to other things with similar symptoms like the flu, pneumonia, and acute respiratory distress. We also don’t know how many are multiply or wrongly counted due to bad confirmations or incorrect presumption of causes. Anyone who has been vaccinated for flu over the last ten years will likely test positive.

And the CDC has just issued new guidelines for marking Death Certificates with a new code for Covid-19 regardless of any comorbid preexisting conditions and even if CV is only presumed to be a factor. Thus any and all deaths regardless of true cause can be legally attributed to CV

Deborah Birx, even admitted to this on live television. And tellingly, the numbers they are reporting spiked concurrent with this newly issued advisement.

Birx is Trump’s coronavirus task-force spokesperson along with Anthony Fauci. They are both compromised CDC shills with conflicts of interest having financial ties to the vaccine industry. She is the one who wears the shawls and dowdy dresses to portray herself as a mother figure—the classic wolf in sheep’s clothing. Fauci calls anyone challenging their fake numbers a Conspiracy Theorist as per their standard defense since they have nothing else.

As further evidence of the fake reporting, many people are now disputing that their friend or relative died from CV despite the media reporting it as such. There have even been cases of people reported to have died from CV who then have to announce they are alive and well. And suspiciously, the rate of infections for public figures is four thousand times higher than for the general public. Clearly efforts are being made to inflate numbers of both deaths and infections.

So there are many questions we need to ask, like:

  • How many of the reported cases are only presumed vs confirmed?
  • How are they presumed?
  • How are they confirmed?
  • Do you trust the reporting whether it’s presumed or confirmed?
  • Do you trust the accuracy of the testing?
  • Do you trust the test itself does not contain coronavirus or other harmful substances or nanoparticles?
  • Do you trust that masks (most of which come from China) are not contaminated?
  • Do you trust that a vaccine would not contain harmful substances?
  • Do you trust that a vaccine rushed to market even in good faith would be safe?
  • Do we even know what CV really is?
  • Do we know how it really started?
  • Do you trust the CDC?
  • Do you trust the government or any of its many agencies?
  • If there is even a small possibility of nefarious agendas, do you trust anything?
  • Will you accept inevitable mandatory vaccinations?
  • Did you know that vaccines have not been tested?
  • Did you know vaccines have disclaimers stating it is not known if they cause cancer or harm reproductive health?
  • Do you realize why they have these specific disclaimers?
  • Did you know the CDC admitted 98 million Americans received polio vaccine over a period of 8 years when it was contaminated with a cancer virus?
  • Do you think that could really happen accidently?
  • Do you agree with censorship of questions like these?

Remember, evil uses truth mixed with lies to sell the lies.

Why the lies?

Many things have been implemented during this plandemic that would not have been previously possible.

For example, on March 29, 2020 Trump signed into law the “Secure 5G and beyond Act of 2020”. It is to be implemented nationwide within 6 months, public comment only allowed within 60 days from then (while we’re all in quarantine), and multiple agency involvement within 3 weeks!

Trump previously allocated $50B to rural deployment of 5G internet and cellular. So there will be nowhere to hide.

This rapid deployment of 5-G and mandatory vaccines are coming all as a result of an obviously exaggerated plandemic.

After having achieved many of their goals, there will soon be an inevitable reprieve so as to not risk public backlash that might jeopardize their ongoing plans. And when the “curve is flattened”, they will triumphantly claim that it was due to their aggressive lockdown efforts in order to justify doing it on the next round. And they have already set the stage for the next phase by announcing that the viruse will occur in waves and may become more deadly.

And Gates and company have also claimed that many people are probably infected but asymptomatic (have no symptoms) and therefore everyone needs to be tested or be travel restricted and forced to remain in quarantine as they deem necessary. He wants not only universal testing and vaccination but a requirement for everyone to carry a digital certificate showing they are both vaccinated and virus free.

They are using this narrative to roll out his previously proposed and announced ID2020 national digital ID that would contain your vaccination and infection records. Together with your recent travels and possible exposures they plan to restrict your ability to travel or access various locations and services. It would include your health history and susceptibilities, your race and genetic weaknesses, and any other factors they want. An implanted ID chip could be remotely updated and accessed to control every aspect of your life.

Gates has also developed and proposed an invisible quantum dot unique patterned tattoo ID that would be applied using micro needles at the time of your vaccination to further identify and qualify you as properly vaccinated. Between the ID2020 chip and vaccine tattoo ID, you would be denied services and the ability to get a drivers license or drive legally without conforming to mandated vaccines or any other program or requirement they want.

None of this would be possible without having experienced the fear and consequences of the plandemic and the quarantine and lockdown restrictions.

Another consequence of the loss of jobs and small businesses and the resulting bail out money, is the ultimate crashing of the economy and implementation of a new digital currency and monetary system that will, of course, become a global standard.

In this first phase people are welcoming and appreciative of governments efforts to intervene and help out. Who doesn’t want free money and time off? Few seem to realize what has happened and what will happen.

The “welcome” cash handouts including checks to the people are the first steps towards “universal basic income”. This is a previously proposed socialistic plan that has so far been rejected but will now be happily accepted and will lead to full communistic control.

But still, “Q Patriots” should just “Trust the plan”?

Recent Headlines:
“New technology helps fight the coronavirus and beyond, March 10, 2020”
“5G wireless is going to change the world”.

Yes, it is! But not how you think!

So much is happening while we stay home under quarantine watching the government roll out their agenda and fine tune their ability to control our emotions and reactions as they continue to pull the puppet strings of their paid and controlled media who obediently parrot all their false claims with nothing to back them up.

Yes, as they say, “it’s a war without guns”. But not against a virus. It’s against us and our ability to speak, to walk about freely and pursue our small business ventures and have the life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness that was previously guaranteed by the constitution. It’s an attack against the 4th Amendment “right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, affects, and against unreasonable researches and seizures that shall not be violated.”

“Yes, you can now face criminal charges, be fined, and even jailed for breaking a CV quarantine”.

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