CONtrived Corona CONspiracy

corona, mask, woman

It’s all a CON. This viRUSE PLANdemic is a complete deception perpetrated by globalists to bring in their New World Order. The numbers of reported infections and deaths are being significantly and deliberately exaggerated and fabricated.

The desperate and crowded scenes portrayed by the media at hospitals and hastily constructed testing and treatment centers are staged. Private individuals have posted videos showing empty tents and hospitals. Doctors and nurses are confirming this as well. Health workers have been laid off. Doctors are idle. Many are speaking out about the bad science. 

Bill Gates is leading the charge on this deception. But he is only one of many oligarchs, technocrats, and corrupt officials participating in it. They control the narrative. They own the media and they have infiltrated governments, agencies, institutions, corporations, and schools at all levels. 

As with most deceptions there is some truth mixed with many lies. It’s true that CV-19 is a real virus. But by itself it’s no worse than influenza or the common cold which are also corona viruses.

However, CV-19 is an engineered virus and it is designed to trigger a cytokine storm (an extreme immune reaction) in susceptible people who have been vaccinated with  compromised vaccines like the SARS vaccine that were co-engineered to produce this effect and which were previously tested on children.

At the same time, a dual purposed weaponized version of 5-G or fifth generation cellular network technology was deployed. Operating in the microwave range, these transceivers emit short millimeter length radio waves. At frequencies of 60 MHz and higher they are known to cause a number of ill effects including hypoxemia in susceptible people. They interfere with the oxygen molecule’s magnetic spin and disrupt its ability to bind with iron in hemoglobin. This causes oxygen starvation and produces symptoms similar to high altitude sickness.

This is why some patients have blue lips, pass out, and sometimes die. And the ventilators being used on these patients only make it worse by causing lung damage. This is because they incorrectly assume the problem is Advanced Respiratory Disease Syndrome (ARDS) which requires a higher pressure protocol. But it’s not pneumonia induced respiratory distress. Victims can breath just fine but they can’t get oxygen into their blood. And there is no shortage of ventilators. This is another fabricated lie.

If a patient is already weakened by CV-19, or by another common coronavirus, or by some other underlying condition, then the hypoxic affects of the millimeter radiation exposure can push them over the edge.

Regardless of cause, anybody with symptoms from any of the above are being falsely diagnosed with CV-19, thus falsely amplifying not only the number of cases credited to CV-19, but also the severity of them. Plus they are fabricating some of the numbers out of thin air.

By itself CV-19 is no more dangerous nor communicable than the flu or the common cold viruses. It does not justify lockdowns, mask wearing, or quarantines. The plandemic is a live exercise being orchestrated by globalists to achieve multiple concurrent agendas.

Their biggest agenda is to get everyone vaccinated with a weaponized vaccine that has already been developed and just waiting for the correct time to introduce. Vaccines are the ultimate way to infect people and to introduce pathogens that can be remotely activated by the high frequency millimeter wave radiation, or by triggering extreme immune reactions upon re-exposure to subsequent releases of their engineered viruses.

These new high frequency 5-G systems were deployed in Wuhan and the Diamond Princess cruise ship just prior to the outbreaks. And the Chinese were given mandatory vaccinations in December also just prior to the outbreak. And high band 5-G (above 30 GHz) is now being fast tracked and deployed in many other places.

They expect most people will now be eager to receive a vaccine for CV-19. And they believe the majority of the population will support mandatory vaccines for those that don’t want to cooperate on the theory that anyone who is unvaccinated is a threat to everyone else. This is a narrative they are already using to enforce lockdowns, testing, and mask wearing.

Also, if it’s even possible to come up with a vaccine for a corona virus in short order, you have to ask yourself, why hasn’t this been done many years ago for the common cold coronavirus? And why mask wearing has never been a thing until now, especially when viruses are not considered to be air born communicable.

They plan to enforce mandatory vaccinations by restricting the activities and travel of anyone who doesn’t comply. You won’t be able to legally drive or access certain areas or services without a digital certificate or proof of compliance. These measures are already planned and are even now being openly proposed and implemented.

Shockingly, the WHO has also just announced plans to start checking on people in their homes and to remove family members as necessary for testing and treatment–presumably by force .

If you submit to testing or treatment you could be inoculated with CV-19 itself or pathogens designed to cause immune reactions when challenged with their weaponized vaccines. Mandatory vaccinations are a high priority on their agenda. They are determined to get everyone vaccinated. They can then begin systematically targeting those they deem less useful or uncooperative. They will blame the resulting adverse effects on rolling pandemic outbreaks that they have already warned will result from CV-19.

Another agenda is to bring out an all digital currency. This will be justified by claiming that cash is a prime carrier of the virus and can no longer be trusted. The changeover in currency will also be facilitated by the severe economic impacts of the pandemic. The economic costs of lost jobs and businesses and the resulting trillions required in bailout subsidies will ultimately destroy the dollar and crash the economy.

Another agenda is to introduce UBI (Universal Basic Income) as a forerunner to full control under the beast system. This is being tested out by issuing checks to all Americans as part of the bailout subsidies. Of course everyone is thrilled to be getting this handout while they sit at home on extended vacations thanks to our caring and proactive government.

This is all happening very rapidly because it has all been pre-planned. A company called NetCents has just announced that they are ready with a digital currency. And vaccine availability is already being announced.

The  pre-planning of this event and the unlimited funding from the trillions in bailouts and subsidies have allowed insider companies and individuals to exploit the situation. Some are announcing tests and equipment that are ready to go.

Another reason for the quarantines and the shutting down of schools is to provide cover and distractions while 5-G is being installed in the schools and other areas. They are also setting up facilities and deploying and strategically positioning military troops, vehicles, and equipment in order to enforce testing and vaccinations. They will also conveniently be in place to enforce anticipated martial law as they plan to concurrently and opportunistically attempt gun confiscations that will almost certainly result in resistance and blood shed.

All of this has happened in the blink of an eye. It may be hard for the average sleeping American to believe. But there are many whistle blowers, insiders, and citizen journalists who have witnessed, documented, and reported on what’s happening and many videos are now circulating that prove the reality of all this.

Everyone needs to stop passively accepting the narrative put forth by the mainstream media as directed by corrupt government agencies and technocrats. It’s time to think for yourself and take action.

Don’t seek out or submit to tests or vaccines. We need to resist ridiculous “social distancing” designed to create fear, divide us, and restrict our access to food and normal necessary daily activities. And don’t be intimidated into wearing potentially compromised Chinese masks or worthless homemade bandanas. Viruses are spread through contact. Although you can more easily contact droplets from coughing or sneezing, they are not considered air born transmissible pathogens that you breath into your lungs. If you’re sick with the flu or whatever else you suspect is transmissible, you should take the same common sense precautions you normally would to not infect others.

Real eyes realize real lies!

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