Comorbid Corona Confusion

coronavirus, virus, fear

Case Counting Concerns: 

  • In 2001, 257 deaths in America were attributed to flu, but only 18 were confirmed.
  • In 2010 about 500 deaths were attributed to flu, but only 100 were considered actually flu.
  • By 2018 the numbers jumped to 56,000!
  • The jump was because the CDC began combining pneumonia with flu numbers.
  • They also created the term “influenza associated” for marking death certificates.
  • This was to stimulate flagging demand for flu vaccines.
  • They did the same thing with coronavirus March 25, 2020 causing numbers to spike.
  • Now anyone with CV symptoms regardless of comorbidities are counted.
  • This is all about justifying mandated vaccines for everyone.
  • Plus Medicare now pays $13,000 for a Covid-19 admission to the hospital.
  • And $39,000 If that Covid-19 patient goes on a ventilator. Three times as much!
  • Bribery is the real reason for hysteria over ventilators.
  • NWO control is the  ultimate agenda.


Many of the details in this post are taken from YouTube researcher Amazing Polly whose video dated 4/11/20 can be found here.

Infection Inflation

According to the National Vital Statistics system in the US, annual flu deaths in 2010 amounted to just 500 per year. And even 500 was too high according to analysis in authoritative journals such as the American Journal of Public Health and the British Medical Journal. They say that only about 15 to 20 percent of people who come down with flu-like symptoms actually have the influenza virus. The other 80 to 85 percent actually caught Rhino virus or other germs that are indistinguishable from the true flu without laboratory tests which are rarely done. Death certificates in 2001 listed 257 Americans as having died of flu, but only 18 were positive identified as true flus.

Numbers Inflated over 100X

But by 2018, the CDC estimated 56,000 Americans died from the flu (and pneumonia). Since flu was rarely an underlying cause of death, the CDC created the sound-alike term “influenza associated” death. This is how they were able to inflate the numbers. By law, death certificates must record the cause of death. So the CDC came up with a coding to put on death certificates that allows them to list influenza associated as the primary cause and any comorbidities (preexisting conditions that are the true cause) are to be listed as secondary factors in a separate section of the death certificate. 

The advice to do exactly this for coronavirus is strongly worded in the CDC‘s March 25, 2020 interim guidance, and also in the final April 2020 official guidance. So just like reporting on ordinary flu has been falsified for many years to create a huge predatory industry that makes money selling vaccines, the same thing is happening with CV-19. They are usurping control through bad data and inducing public panic. And as numbers for CV infections are going up, numbers for flu/pneumonia are going down and overall mortality rates for all deaths are not increasing like the media would have you believe.

Enter Bill Gates, the Gate Keeper

It seems to have begun in the early 2000s just after Bill Gates was brought into what they call global health. Then there was an explosion of investment in this area by so-called philanthropists, non-governmental organizations, humanitarian organizations, and so-called charities. Investment is actually the correct term because it isn’t really charitable or philanthropic. Gates realized the huge potential to make big money to fund his quest for global domination all while realizing his goals for eugenics and population reduction.

CDC Becomes Marketing Arm

In 2004, the Centers for Disease Control became the de facto vaccine marketing board. It purposefully came up with a plan to induce demand for vaccines as developed by Glen Novak, the associate director for communications at CDC‘s National Immunization Program. He noted that during the 2003 flu season the manufacturers were telling them that they weren’t receiving a lot of orders for vaccines. So he came up with a seven step plan for generating interest in and demand for flu and other vaccinations. He presented his ideas in a slide show at the 2004 National Influenza Vaccine Summit where he detailed how to create a mass market for the flu vaccine by enlisting the media into panicking the public.

Novak proposed that medical experts and public health authorities use public media to express “concern and alarm and predict dire outcomes and urge influenza vaccination”. He said there should be “significant media interest and attention, and framing of the flu season in terms that motivate behavior; such as very severe–more severe than last or past years–or deadly…” and that there should be “continued reports; for example, from health officials and media that influenza is causing severe illness and/or affecting lots of people, helping foster the perception that many people are susceptible to a bad case of influenza; and visible tangible examples of the seriousness of the illness; for example, pictures of children, families of those affected coming forward, and people getting vaccinated.”

Novak’s profile from the CDC website says that prior to joining the CDC in January 1999 he was an associate professor of advertising and communication at the University of Georgia. He has authored or co-authored a number of peer-reviewed journal articles on communications practices, social marketing, and health communications. He’s a PR guy. He calls himself “Dr.” Novak to sound more impressive when representing the CDC. But he’s not a medical doctor. He only has a PhD in communications.

An obedient and unquestioning media has obliged by hyping the dangers and the sky rocketing numbers.

History Repeats

Disturbingly all these years later they’re doing exactly the same thing with the coronavirus; fudging numbers and causing panic.

Minnesota senator and medical doctor Scott Jenson said he received the seven page document from the Health Department with instructions to fill out death certificates with a diagnosis of Covid-19 whether the person actually died from Covid-19 or not.

They are being instructed to do just what the CDC was doing back in the day with the regular flu (and polio) in order to sell vaccines (and literally infect people with the disease they’re meant to prevent) for the sake of global population reduction and control.

Deborah Birx, White House Task Force point person, answered a briefing question on apparent number inflation saying:

“So I think in this country we’ve taken a very liberal approach to mortality and I think the reporting here has been pretty straightforward over the last five to six weeks. prior to that when there wasn’t testing into January in February, that’s a very different situation and unknown. There are other countries that if you had a pre-existing condition and let’s say the virus caused you to go to the ICU and then have a heart or kidney problem, some countries are recording that as a heart issue or a kidney issue and not a Covid 19 death. Right now we’re still recording it, and we all… I mean the great thing about having forms that come in… and a form that has the ability to mark it as Covid 19 infection– the intent is right now that those… if someone dies with Covid-19 [even unconfirmed], we are counting that as a Covid-19 death.

She admitted in front of the nation that they are using these tricky methods to lump together any other cause of illness or death under Covid-19.

Her partner in crime, Anthony Fauci, doesn’t like the accusations very much. He doesn’t like anybody speculating on whether the tests work, whether the statistics are good, whether the models are flawed and here’s what he had to say about it:

“Those who are making the claim, without really any evidence, that these deaths are being padded, that the number of Covid-19 deaths are being padded… you will always have conspiracy theories when you have very challenging public health crises. They are nothing but distractions, conspiracy theory as we’ve discussed before.”

Without any rebuttal or evidence of his own, he goes straight to the usual conspiracy theory defense. This is all they have. They “flood the zone” just like they decided in the Event 201 coronavirus pandemic planning exercise that was held in October 2019. Their whole strategy was to flood the zone with trusted voices so that only their information would come out.

Fake News

There’s a video of a “Dr.” Colleen Smith at Elmhurst Hospital where she supposedly shot undercover footage showing it as “apocalyptic” including images of morgue trucks. This was a seed moment of hysteria over the lack of ventilators. If you watch the video you know there’s a lot of questions surrounding whether or not it was authentic. It seemed to be following the advice of how to create interest and demand for flu vaccinations.

This is like calling fire in a crowded movie theater that starts a stampede and kills people. Generating panic falsely is a crime. It’s one of the limits on free speech.

Vaccine for Profit

Then we have Laura Birx who works for Bill and Melinda Gates. But she used to work for US Aid where she gave a talk saying that the private sector (Bill Gates) can only join in global health if they are guaranteed a market. As in to make money! What’s the market for health providers? Sick people. That’s their market. So they have to create phony panic, and/or actually (deliberately) make people sick.

People assume that Bill Gates, as one of the richest people if not the richest person in the world, doesn’t need more money and is generously and charitably trying to give it away to worthy causes. Not so! The elite in their quest for evil and world domination have an unending appetite for money to achieve their vain ambitions.

Project Novak is another vaccine project dealing with the transition from OPV (oral polio vaccine), to IPV (injectable polio vaccine). It’s involved with the usual partners including: the World Health Organization, UNICEF, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the CBC Rotary, Path International, the GAVI Alliance, and the Task Force for Global Health. So this is another Gates job.

Unsurprisingly, Glenn Novak, writer of the 7 step recipe to generate vaccine demand, now works for that Bill Gates funded Task Force for Global Health. Its web page says that they’re based in Atlanta Georgia with a field office in Addis Ababa Ethiopia, which just happens to be the home of World Health Organization director Tedros Adhanom.

WHO is Tedros Adhanom

Yes, the WHO is Tedros Adhanom, a communist Marxist terrorist and Director-General. He belonged to an organization that was a listed terror organization in Ethiopia. Then they formed the government after staging a coup. Then under Tedros’ leadership they began to persecute the ethnic majority in the country. They withheld health care and nutrition from the children. If you’ve heard of the Ethiopian starvation problem, that was Tedros Adhanom’s doing and so much more.

Bill Foege

Also on the Task Force for Global Health webpage it says their co-founder is William H Foege:

“William H Foege is the inspiration behind the work we do. An epidemiologist by training he was one of the architects of the successful smallpox eradication effort in the 1970s which is still the only disease to be eradicated in humanity. In 2012 he was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Barack Obama.”

From Bill Gates‘s own YouTube channel, ‘Heroes in the Field – Dr. Bill Foege”, we learn that Bill Foege was another former  director of the CDC and is credited with eradicating smallpox. He was interested in doing the same sort of thing for polio and he approached Bill Gates to form a partnership in the year 2000. Bill says in the video that he knew nothing about any of this until Foege approached him and gave him some books to read. It’s very suspicious. Bill Gates now believes himself to be king of the world and he’s going on television show after television show with that grin of his. Here’s a little excerpt from the Bill Foege video:

Gates: “Yeah thank God for smallpox and its success. You know I’m pretty sure we wouldn’t have undertaken polio without that example. It’s really great that that happened with smallpox because now we can do polio”.

That was years ago. But listen to Bill now about the coronavirus:

“It’s… it is fair to say things won’t go back to truly normal until we have a vaccine that we’ve gotten out to basically the entire world. And so you know the best people at the foundation, we’re all about high-volume vaccines and are working with many manufacturers, not only on the safety and efficacy, but getting out billions of dose capacity.”

Yes, he wants to vaccinate basically everybody in the world.

Another article in a medical journal from 2019 where Glenn Novak’s name appears as one of the authors in May 2012 says that the global vaccine action plan was endorsed by 194 member states at the 65th World Health Assembly. It was a product of the decade of vaccines collaboration, an unprecedented effort led by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Health, Gavi, the vaccine alliance, the United Nations Children’s Fund, and the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (which is Anthony Fauci!), “to extend the full benefits of vaccines to all people by 2020 and beyond.”

This is all Gates! And it was laid out right there in July 2019. Glen Novak, Anthony Fauci, and three different organizations that basically belong to Bill and Melinda Gates. They wanted to extend the full benefits of vaccines to all people by 2020. What year is it? 2020!

Slamming Gates

Here’s Robert F Kennedy Jr.’s April 9th 2020 Instagram post calling out Bill Gates.

“#Vaccines, for #BillGates, are a strategic philanthropy that feed his many vaccine-related businesses (including #Microsoft’s ambition to control a global vac ID enterprise) and give him dictatorial control over global health policy—the spear tip of corporate neo-imperialism.

Gates’ obsession with vaccines seems fueled by a messianic conviction that he is ordained to save the world with technology and a god-like willingness to experiment with the lives of lesser humans.

Promising to eradicate Polio with $1.2 billion, Gates took control of India ‘s National Advisory Board (NAB) and mandated 50 polio vaccines (up from 5) to every child before age 5. Indian doctors blame the Gates campaign for a devastating vaccine-strain polio epidemic that paralyzed 496,000 children between 2000 and 2017. In 2017, the Indian Government dialed back Gates’ vaccine regimen and evicted Gates and his cronies from the NAB. Polio paralysis rates dropped precipitously. In 2017, the World Health Organization reluctantly admitted that the global polio explosion is predominantly vaccine strain, meaning it is coming from Gates’ Vaccine Program. The most frightening epidemics in Congo, the Philippines, and Afghanistan are all linked to Gates’ vaccines. By 2018, ¾ of global polio cases were from Gates’ vaccines.

In 2014, the #GatesFoundation funded tests of experimental HPV vaccines, developed by GSK and Merck, on 23,000 young girls in remote Indian provinces. Approximately 1,200 suffered severe side effects, including autoimmune and fertility disorders. Seven died. Indian government investigations charged that Gates funded researchers committed pervasive ethical violations: pressuring vulnerable village girls into the trial, bullying parents, forging consent forms, and refusing medical care to the injured girls. The case is now in the country’s Supreme Court.

In 2010, the Gates Foundation funded a trial of a GSK’s experimental malaria vaccine, killing 151 African infants and causing serious adverse effects including paralysis, seizure, and febrile convulsions to 1,048 of the 5,049 children.

During Gates 2002 MenAfriVac Campaign in Sub-Saharan Africa, Gates operatives forcibly vaccinated thousands of African children against meningitis. Between 50-500 children developed paralysis. South African newspapers complained, “We are guinea pigs for drug makers”

Nelson Mandela’s former Senior Economist, Professor Patrick Bond, describes Gates’ philanthropic practices as “ruthless” and “immoral”.

In 2010, Gates committed $10 billion to the WHO promising to reduce population, in part, through new vaccines. A month later Gates told a Ted Talk that new vaccines “could reduce population”. In 2014, Kenya’s Catholic Doctors Association accused the WHO of chemically sterilizing millions of unwilling Kenyan women with a phony “tetanus” vaccine campaign.

Independent labs found the sterility formula in every vaccine tested.
After denying the charges, WHO finally admitted it had been developing the sterility vaccines for over a decade.

Similar accusations came from Tanzania, Nicaragua, Mexico and the Philippines.
A 2017 study (Morgensen et.Al.2017) showed that WHO’s popular DTP is killing more African than the disease it pretends to prevent. Vaccinated girls suffered 10x the death rate of unvaccinated children.

Gates and the WHO refused to recall the lethal vaccine which WHO forces upon millions of African children annually.

Global public health advocates around the world accuse Gates of – hijacking WHO’s agenda away from the projects that are proven to curb infectious diseases; clean water, hygiene, nutrition and economic development.

They say he has diverted agency resources to serve his personal fetish – that good health only comes in a syringe.

In addition to using his philanthropy to control WHO, UNICEF, GAVI and PATH, Gates funds private pharmaceutical companies that manufacture vaccines, and a massive network of pharmaceutical industry front groups that broadcast deceptive propaganda, develop fraudulent studies, conduct surveillance and psychological operations against vaccine hesitancy and use Gates’ power and money to silence dissent and coerce compliance.

In this recent nonstop Pharmedia appearances, Gates appears gleeful that the Covid-19 crisis will give him the opportunity to force his third-world vaccine programs on American children.

Robert Kennedy Jr’s has been doing this a long time. He had been tapped by Donald Trump to lead a giant inquiry into vaccine programs. But it was Bill Gates, according to Bill Gates himself, who stopped that commission from being struck in the White House.

Vaccine Certificates

Anthony Fauci has just said that the federal government of the United States is considering issuing Americans certificates of immunity from the coronavirus – just as Bill the Gatekeeper Gates stated:

“Eventually what we’ll have to have is certificates of who’s a recovered person, who’s a vaccinated person, because you don’t want people moving around the world where you’ll have some countries that won’t have it under control. Sadly you don’t want to completely block off the ability for those, you know, people to go there and come back and move around so eventually there will be sort of this digital immunity proof that, you know, will help facilitate the global reopening up.”

Yes, it was Bill Gates that made that suggestion. And as the Next News Network points out in their video coverage of this, the moderators at the TED talk site actually deleted those lines because they know how bad it makes Bill Gates look. But he’s the best they’ve got.

I’m Bill Gates. I’m not a doctor, I was a tech nerd until I decided there were too many people on the earth.

I’m Tedros Adhanom. I’m not a doctor. I was a Marxist terrorist until I took over the World Health Organization.

And we now have the World Bank issuing pandemic bonds. And these bonds wouldn’t pay out if there was a coronavirus pandemic by a certain date. But now even the CEOs of the Federal Reserve Banks are getting in on the action. Like James Bullard who is going right along with the certificate plan:

Interviewer: “On the other side of this pandemic, are those jobs actually going to exist for people to go back to?”

Bullard: “I have good news for you, because there is a solution using available technology today to fix the economic part of this problem. The solution is universal testing. What you want is every single person to get tested, every day. And then they would wear a badge like they would after they voted or something like that, to show that they’ve been tested. This would immediately sort out who’s been infected and who hasn’t been. In fact that that would help the healthcare sector, but it would also help the economy because we could interact with each other with confidence.”

And in the process generate tons of money through infinite testing, not to mention through vaccinations. Can you imagine these people that have nothing to do with health? None of them are doctors. None of them have been medically trained. But they just think this is a good idea because somehow in the background they’ve probably got one of these scams running. They’re all benefitting from woes and misery they’re imposing on the people.

Bribes for Positive Diagnoses

After Tony Fauci said that anyone questioning the numbers, questioning the testing, questioning the death rates, questioning all of it, was a conspiracy theorist, here’s what Dr. Scott Jensen had to say about that:

“Anytime healthcare intersects with dollars it gets awkward. Right now Medicare has determined that if you have a Covid-19 admission to the hospital you’ll get paid $13,000. If that Covid 19 patient goes on a ventilator, you get $39,000. Three times as much!

This absolutely puts a whole new spin on it. All that money if you get a positive test for coronavirus. And tons more money if you end up needing a ventilator. They’re bribing the health care providers to play along with their scam.

Maybe we’re starting to understand why there’s such hysteria over the ventilator thing. 

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