It's About Time...

Ralph Wilson — JOATMON

Welcome to 11th Hour News

I’m a freelance know-it-all. Though I usually keep it to myself, I’ve been known to expound when asked, or when sufficiently stimulated to action by the gross lack of understanding of someone I otherwise respect who directly challenges my views. This site is therefore an outlet for me to get things off my chest in a format that can be safely ignored by those not interested in being rescued from their ignorance. However, like any self-respecting expert, I do consider the content provided here to be particularly invaluable as it consists of curated facts and informed opinion based on a fair amount of research by one of clearly above average intelligence (JAMM).

Although I’ve had a  long time interest in end times events, over the last few years I have become increasingly aware of many deceptions and things that have been long suppressed. The CV plandemic is what finally motivated me to start this blog in March 2020 to try and help expose as much as I can. There seems to be a general awakening and more and more people are starting to become aware—at least of the iceberg’s tip. But there is still a long way to go!